Ambisonics dome

for MUST project (2024)

Plonk designed and implemented an ambisonics playback setup for the MUST project.

From the website of the MUST project (accessed 2024-05-03):

An experiential approach to elicit and integrate the diverse values of nature.

The MUST Platform synthesises knowledge through integrating research and interaction for all stakeholders. The platform is a mobile audio-visual space, providing an immersive audio and visual experience for representing and giving agency to normally unheard voices, fostering the negotiation of multispecies transitions.

Plonk planned and developed a Reaper-based playback system for nine speakers and one subwoofer arranged in rings around the dome structure.

The sound system for the dome consists of a multi-channel setup with a total of 9 speakers and one subwoofer. We aimed for an equidistant speaker layout to provide a homogeneous sound field, optimised for ambisonics playback.

The playback system is based on a linux machine running Reaper with a custom ambisonics decoder. Project templates were created for the client to allow to dynamically add and adjust content based on the session’s requirements.